
2007-12-18 7:50 am
金鯱,金鯱屬最具重量的仙人掌品種。原產墨西哥沙漠地區,莖為肥圓球狀,球體深綠,株高可達100公分,而直徑可達80公分以上,球體有20~38個稜,密生黃色硬刺,刺座大,球頂部密生金黃色的綿毛;花 黃色,花徑約3~5公分,,種子黑色,表面光滑。

回答 (2)

2007-12-19 9:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
千期唔好用機器翻譯, 翻左都冇人明你講咩啦, andy你自己知唔知個段講咩架!!??
金鯱係golden barrel cactus:


Golden barrel cactus is the heaviest of all cactus species. It originates in Mexican desert. It's stem is spherical in shape and dark green in colour. It can grow as tall as 100cm with a diameter of 80 cm. It usually has 20 to 38 pronounced ribs. The spines are dense, yellowish with a broad base, and on top of the globe are soft yellow hairs. The flowers are yellow, with a diameter of 3 to 5 cm. The seeds are black, smooth and shiny in appearance.
其實用翻譯既不如用原裝係英文既資料仲好, 睇下呢度啦:

2007-12-19 01:15:22 補充:
樓上個位太精警啦: 花黃色 = spend yellow??!!花莖 = spend path??!!株高 = the stub is high ??!!哈哈哈!!!
參考: 自己譯架, 圖片出自維基百科
2007-12-19 1:26 am
Birth,BirthBelong to most a cactus species of having the weight.Produce Mexican desert region at first, the caulis is a fatty round ball form, the orb is deeply green, the stub is high and can reach to 100 cms, and the diameter can reach to 80 cms of above, the orb contain 20~38 Lengs, airtight get a yellow hard stab, stab one big, the ball coping is airtight to get the Mian hair of gold yellow;Spend yellow, spend path about 3~5 cms, , seed black, the surface is smooth.


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