
2007-12-18 6:11 am

回答 (5)

2007-12-18 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to improve listening or speaking skills, you can watch whatever English programme you want. I personally enjoy watching Friends, Scrubs such American comedies. Don't worry if you can't follow the story, watch it with subtitle then. First, you try to enjoy the programmes and then you learn the way people speak.
To improve reading and writing skills, you will have to read more and write more. Harry Potter isn't my cup of tea, but loads of people like it, maybe you can go for it.

The ways of improving your English are totally up to you. Try to find somethings interesting to read or watch is important. Also, always think in English, then you don't need to translate from cantonese to english through your brain everytime you want to speak in English.

Be honest, there is no short cut to learn English. The more you use english, the better you are.

Hope this helps
參考: me
2007-12-18 9:44 pm
For listening and speaking, 試試看這個看英文短片的網站, 有中英對照, 以及英美政治家的演講, 你可以從最簡單的開始, 慢慢地就聽得越來越多了.
2007-12-18 8:23 pm
有 !
你可以 :
(1) 看英文小說
(2) 看牛津字典
(3) 看英文電視台(尤其是新聞報導)
(4) 看英文報紙, 例如 South China Morning Post, Hong Kong Standard
(5) 收聽英文電台
(6) 平日在街上見到外國人, 跟佢地打招呼
(7) 平日的e-mail, msn 多用英文來表達
(8) 如果可以的話, 跟朋友溝通嚐試用英語
2007-12-18 6:35 am
參考: me
2007-12-18 6:15 am
Sure. YOu may try to buy some boks to read and learn the vocabulary items. For grammar, you can buy some exercise books to do
Even if you are having MSN with your friends. you can try to write it in English

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