餵緊人奶既媽媽, 請問係唔係一定要配戴哺乳專用既bra?

2007-12-18 4:54 am
戴普通既bra 得唔得?
加上我胸型偏八字, 很難買到舒適既哺乳bra~!


回答 (2)

2007-12-18 5:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I feel sorry that I need to type in English, as my writing board doesn't work
As a breast feeding mom, (my elder daughter is 4 years old), my son is 11.5 months old. Both of them are breast fed. My son is still a breast feeding baby.
I am a nursery nurse in hospital, and also as a breast feeding teaching nurse.
I certainly recommend breast feeding bra. I am using it everyday. It is because of the design from BF bra is different from the regular bra which is not soft and fexible as the bf bra.
Regular bra especially those with under wire... will obstruct the milk supply, which lactation consultant will tell you firmly!
BF bra also open from the front, which helps you to reduce discomfort during breastfeeding your child, you don't need to pull one side of the bra up or un-plug the buckle at the back. Also,
Breast feeding bra got the space for you to hold the breast pad, to prevent leaking.
BF bra should not be supportive, otherwise, it will limit the milk flow.
My son is 11.5 months, and I still use BF bra..
It is much easy for me to return to work with my BF bra when I need to pump milk from my work place too. Even when we go outside, when I BF my son, BF bra can help me to reduce my body to be explose in pubic.. it is the way to protect my privacy.
參考: Breast feeding mom
2007-12-18 7:43 am

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