
2007-12-18 4:53 am


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2007-12-18 5:02 am
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An Arctic Winter on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower from December 19, 2007 to January 31, 2008

he Eiffel Tower, in collaboration with Le Cercel Polaire1, invites you to “Visit the Arctic Regions”:

a photo expedition into the heart of the Arctic and Antarctic, meet the 21st century Inuit and discover the polar fauna,

put on snowshoes for a trekking at 57 meters above Paris

and stop in at the Umiak bar for a frozen treat right here in the Capital!

A visit to the Arctic regions during this first winter season of the International Polar Year 2007-2008*2…
This outdoor exhibit “Visit the Arctic Regions” - installation and concept by the association Le Cercle Polaire - presents 80 photographs and their commentaries:

the life of the people living at the North Pole in the 21st century, the Inuit

an initiation into the diversity and fragility of the fauna in the polar regions for Tower visitors

and a selection of short films that shed light on the work of scientists in those regions and their outposts observing global warming.

Thirty photos by Xavier Desmier show the Inuit daily life at the dawn of the 21st century. In just 50 years, they have quite naturally created a new cultural balance between ancestral traditions and modern life. Today their great enemy is melting icebergs.

… put your snowshoes on.
Following the random trail of animal tracks, visitors can walk around the outer first floor covered in a thick layer of snow: a 300-meter walk for an initiation to snowshoe trekking, with Paris as the backdrop.

These genuine snowshoes3 available for big and small, will allow visitors to go on an unusual exploration of the native species of the Arctic and Antarctic: bears, narwhals, reindeer, snow geese, penguins, snow petrels, albatross…Immortalized in the large-format photos portraying animals captured on camera during numerous expeditions to the arctic regions, this fauna is endangered by global warming.

At 57 meters above Paris, icy thrills are guaranteed at Umiak*, a polar bar on the Eiffel Tower! Looking over the Champ de Mars, an ice-covered bar will welcome “trekkers” into its polar décor: life-size arctic animal sculptures (seals, polar foxes, guillemot…) and mannequins displaying traditional costumes made by Inuit. An unusual stopover for a drink, day or night.

1: The association Le Cercle Polaire (www.lecerclepolaire.com) aims at presenting the authentic scientific culture of the Arctic and Antarctic zones, trying to move forward the preservation of these lands. Le Cercel Polaire is sponsored by the national research institute CNRS, the Paul-Emile Victor Polar Institute and the French National Commission for UNESCO.
2: 60 countries are collaborating on 210 international projects doing research in the polar regions (www.ipy.org/).
3 (snowshoes in all sizes (4 years and up) free of charge for visitors)
4 Umiak is the name of an Inuit canoe.

Practical Information
The Eiffel Tower is open 7 days a week, 9:30am to 11:45pm.
Elevators to the 1st floor: Adults: 4.50€/Children -12 years: 2.30€
(last elevator up is at 11pm)
Stairs to 1st or 2nd floors are open from 9:30am to 6pm: 4€
For those -25 years: 3.10€. Children -3 years are free.
Exhibit and snowshoes are free of charge.
2007-12-18 11:30 am
below.s website should keep you busy for a while :
let me know if u need somemore....

2007-12-18 08:53:21 補充:
2007-12-18 4:57 am
艾菲爾鐵塔 (Eiffel Tower) 位於巴黎市中心,在戰神公園內。戰神公園 (Parc du Champ de Mars) 是一個綠意盎然的公園,從前是練兵場,也是慶祝節慶活動的地方,後來成為數屆世界博覽會場所。1889年首屆世界博覽會在這裡舉行,艾菲爾鐵塔即是為了慶祝世界博覽會開幕而建立的,於1887年開始施工,兩年後竣工,距今這座巴黎鐵塔已經有超過一百年的歷史了。



艾菲爾鐵塔雖具有多重功用,但當年它可是廣受抨擊。建築師艾菲爾 (Gustave Eiffel) 在起建它時,不只是文化藝術界有反對聲音,覺得不具美感,連當地居民也是群起抗議,要求停工。即使到了鐵塔完成,仍不被法國人所接納,法國審美學家甚至批評非常難看。



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