
2007-12-18 12:31 am

回答 (1)

2007-12-18 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案

所有MMR針的說明書都說明打針後要避孕3個月, 但2001年10月起包括世衛在內的所有大機構都出了指引, 4周的避孕已經足夠. 家計會早已告訴所有人避孕1個月已經足夠, 但衛生署和母嬰健康院遲遲不改指引, 嚇死人.

What is the recommended length of time a woman should wait after receiving rubella (or MMR) vaccine before becoming pregnant?
Four weeks. In October 2001, ACIP voted to change its recommendation for the waiting interval following the administration of rubella vaccine. The interval was reduced from 3 months to 4 weeks. The waiting period for measles and mumps vaccine was already one month.

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