
2007-12-17 11:00 pm


is it s good time to buy it now? (@abt $131)

thank you!

回答 (4)

2007-12-18 5:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would suggest you can buy HSBC in 2 phases.
The 1st phase in 128 and the 2 nd phase in 125. You may see the 1st and 2 nd quarter in 2008 may not change well even on US economic and China investment on HK market.
Don't make any wrong decision because of the interest, The lost may bigger than the interest far as you see. We have to think take profit on the growth of stock and earn interest too.

Take care.
2007-12-18 8:04 am
Hi, HSBC匯豐控股(005) 3rd 股息 at Jan 08, thr 4th 股息 most at May 08 ( but have double $ ) I think its time is very good time buy HSBC at lower price ,except 08 股息 over 5% me buy two hand at $135 & $131 . Hope can help you
2007-12-18 2:39 am
It may drop even more say in between $125 - $128, since the second graded mortgage
matter, as well as no support from the china market...

The interest normally pays in between 22-24 November, according to the previous records.
2007-12-18 12:00 am

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