
2007-12-17 8:57 pm
1.do you think it is wise to take drugs ?
2.what are the negative effects of taking drugs?
3.if you have friends who are taking drugs ,what will you suggest them to do or not to do?
4.do you think it is important for a drug abuser gets support/
care from his/her family and friends when he/she wants to quit?

回答 (2)

2007-12-17 9:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.do you think it is wise to take drugs ?
2.what are the negative effects of taking drugs?
3.if you have friends who are taking drugs ,what will you suggest them to do or not to do?
4.do you think it is important for a drug abuser gets support/
care from his/her family and friends when he/she wants to quit?

1. 你認為吸毒是否明智之舉嗎?

2. 吸食毒品會帶來甚麼負面影響呢?

3. 如果你的朋友是吸毒者,你會向他提議哪些事項,

4. 你認為一個染上毒癮的人,當他有意戒毒的時候,

希望幫到你啦! ^.^

2007-12-17 13:16:22 補充:
頭先睇唔到, 無改到添~第一句唔要 , 改做 咁就得...^.^

2007-12-17 13:17:52 補充:
唔洗要[ 嗎 ]改成 [ 你認為吸毒是否明智之舉? ] 就得~
參考: me~
2007-12-17 9:02 pm
1. ,你認為服用藥物是明智的嗎?
2. 什麼是服用藥物的否定效果?
3. ,如果你有正在服用藥物的朋友,你將建議他們做做什麼?
4. ,你認為嗎,因為藥物 abuser 獲得支持,它很重要/
參考: 自己

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