Role of imagination, as it applies to philosophy?

2007-12-16 5:23 pm
Philosophers from Zeno to Palte, to Nietsche have had opinions of the role of imagination.
"Imagination is necessary for the consideration of options, of alternatives; it's the prerequisite for choice, for exerting one's will, for having control over one's life. Without it, we are doomed, as individuals and as a species. It's what separates us (well, some of us) from lower life forms: if a horse could imagine life as a deer, my guess is it would jump the fence in a second. And while I'd like to say 'See ya', we're all in this together."
from TPM (the philosophers magazine)

What is your opinion on the imagination?

Pardon my typing...I meant to type Plato, not Palte

回答 (4)

2007-12-16 6:45 pm
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I believe the imagination is a vital part of human nature. It is surely a main reason why humans as a species survived as long as they have and are prospering as they do today. It is the reason why robots will never take over the world. It is, so far, impossible to create an artificial imagination and it probably always will be so. Robots can only do what they are programmed to do, just as animals are only able to follow their instincts. Even when it comes to training animals, they obey because the results of their behavior help them to survive. They do not have the ability to come up with a way to better survive or to live the same lifestyle without the necessary acts of jumping and fetching. They imagination is something that has evolved over time, because it is only observed in the highest evolved species. It enables a person to look at a situation, analyze it, and come up with a favorable course of action. Early humanoids didn't have random entities following them around saying tie rock to stick and hit deer. They watched the other creatures and substituted what they had to fit the limitations of the humanoid’s body. This meant that early man used stones to catch pray because they lacked claws. Their imagination produced this course of action. Without imagination, humans wouldn't exist, not as we are. We'd be the same as the deer, following the same course of life daily, no variation from individual to individual; sleep, eat, drink, flee predators, mate yearly, ect. There would be no strong emotions because each person would be the same. Nothing would exist to differentiate between them and give root to a stronger feeling towards one then the others.
2007-12-16 5:55 pm
Einstein wrote that intelligence is limited but imagination can encompass the world. It's our greatest resource, with it we can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven. It is the basis for empathy, understanding, compassion, hopes and dreams. It's hugely useful but can also dominate a life through fears and anxieties if not regulated.
2007-12-17 2:58 pm
Yes, i would
2007-12-16 6:12 pm
God gave the soul, the mind, the psyche three gifts, memory, understanding and wil. Find imagination in these three.

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