
2007-12-17 6:57 am
I think my hobbies are very interesting. My hobbies are drawing and riding bicycle.
I have learned drawing for seven years. When I was four, I asked my mother to give me to learn the drawing lessons. She helped me to write the application form and I could join a member among them.
I like drawing because I think drawing can make me happy. When I finished a picture, I like to share my pictures with the other people. I always go to the picture match draw with my art teacher.

回答 (3)

2007-12-17 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
change ' give me to learn ' to '*let me learn'
change "I like drawing because I think drawing can make me happy' to 'I like drawing because I think *that drawing can make me happy'
change 'When I finished a picture' to 'When I *have finished a picture' or 'finish a picture'
change 'I always go to the picture match draw with my art teacher. ' to 'I always go to the *drawing contest *and draw with my art teacher.'
change' She helped me to write the application form and I could join a member among them. to 'helped me to write the application form *so *'I could be a member' among them.'
change 'I like to share my pictures with the other people' to ' I like to share my pictures with *other people'
參考: me
2007-12-17 10:35 am
1. riding bicycle can be say as cycling
2. some wordings are used not very appropriate
3. part of the sentences are directly translated from chinese

My hobbies are drawing and cycling and I find that they are very interesting.
I have learned drawing from seven years. When I was four, I asked my mother to let me attend the drawing lessons. She helped me to complete the application form and finally I became a member of the drawing class.
I like drawing because I think drawing can make me happy. When I finished a picture, I like to share it with other people. Also, I always go to the drawing competition and draw with my art teacher.
2007-12-17 7:50 am
I think my hobbies are very interesting. My hobbies are drawing and riding bicycle.
I have learned drawing for seven years. When I was four, I asked my mother to LET me to learn drawing lessons. She helped me to FILL IN the application form and I could BECOME a member among them.
I like drawing because I think drawing can make me happy. When I finish a picture, I like to share my pictures with the other people. I always go to the picture match TO draw with my art teacher.
參考: Me

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