Combinations 急問!!!Quick!!!

2007-12-17 3:59 am
A case of 24 bottles of Milk contains 2 bottles that are contaminated. Three bottles are to be chosen randomly for testing.

a) How many different combinations of 3 bottles could be selected?
b) What is the probability that the two contaminated bottles are selected for testing?

我可以甘做嗎?? b果題 p(the two contaminated bottles are selected for testing)=1-(22/24)(21/23)(20/22)

回答 (3)

2007-12-17 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
( In the following answers , nCr = (n!)/((r!)((n-r)!)) )

a) Answer is 24C3 = 24!/((3!)(21!)) = 2024 ( 唔用nPr,因為響呢個case,ABC的排序不重要 ( i.e. (A,B,C)=(C,B,A) , 在nPr中 , (A,B,C)=\=(C,B,A) )

b) 有兩種計法

1st Method :

又於population = 24 之中有兩個contaminated , 而sample=3 之中又係兩個contaminated , 所以呢 , 如果要在3個bottles中一定要有兩個contaminated,咁即係:
Let C = Contaminated的bottles , and N represents non-C = 没有contaminated的bottles , so C 有2個,N有22個,由於我地要搵的是(C,C,N) , 兩個C又一定係果2個bottle , 所以(C,C,N) 會有相等於Numbers of bottles of Type N , 即是24-2=22個組合

咁所以 probability = 22/(24C3) = 1/92

2nd method :

其實呢個即係 hypergeometric distribution ( 超幾何分佈 ) ( )

條式係 : (以下的nCr寫作(n,r))
P(X=x) = (A,x)(N-A,n-x)/(N,n)

where P(X=x) = The probability of x successes , n = sample size , N = population size , A = No. of successes in the population , N-A=No. of failures in the population , X = No. of successes in the sample , n-x = number of failures in the sample , x = Number of successes in the sample

So , From the original question , A=2,x=2,N=24,n=3, so N-A=22 and n-x=1

So the probability = (2,2)(22,1)/(24,3)=1/92

2007-12-16 22:14:17 補充:
Re : 我可以甘做嗎?? b果題 p(the two contaminated bottles are selected for testing)=1-(22/24)(21/23)(20/22) answer : 咁樣做唔啱架喎

2007-12-16 22:20:15 補充:
1-(22/24)(21/23)(20/22) 乃 the probability that at least 1 contaminated bottle ( =1 bottle ) are selected for testing

2007-12-16 22:21:01 補充:
(大過或者等於1 bottle)*

2007-12-16 22:43:26 補充:
(大過或者等於1 contaminated bottle)*
參考: Me
2007-12-17 10:00 pm
a) The number of different combinations of 3 bottles
= 24C3 = 24*23*22/(3*2*1)
= 2024

b) Let C be a contaminated bottle and N be a non-contaminated bottle.
P(two contaminated bottles)
= P(CCN) + P(CNC) + P(NCC)
= 2/24 * 1/23 * 22/22 + 2/24 * 22/23 * 1/22 + 22/24 * 2/23 * 1/22
or = 3 * 22*2*1/(24*23*22)
= 1/92

The probability that the two contaminated bottles are selected is 1/92.
2007-12-17 4:06 am

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