2題f.4 maths,,急

2007-12-17 12:18 am
1) the figure on the right shows a right-angked triangle XYZ, where XY = 8cm and YZ = 12cm. if we draw a rectangle ABCY inside triangle XYZ, and let AY = x cm,
(a) (i) find the length of AB and express the anser in terms of x,
(ii) find the area of the rectangle ABCY and express the answer in terms of x,

(b) find the largest possible area of rectangle ABCY.


2) given that the sum of two positive numbers os 10, find the two numbers so that the sum of their squares is a minimum. 要有詳盡的steps,,,最好可以解釋埋!

回答 (2)

2007-12-17 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
lsp_student,F.4math係唔會學微分架  人地可能唔知你做緊乜野

應該用completing square method.

XA/AB = 8 /12 (ΔXAB ~ΔXYZ)

(8-x)/AB = 8 /12 = 2/3

AB = 3(8-x)/2


Area of rectangle = BA x AY

= [3(8-x)/2](x)

= -3x²/2 + 12x

= -3/2(x²-8x)

= -3/2(x²-8x+4²)-(-3/2)(4²)

= -3/2(x-4)²-(-3/2)(4²)

= -3/2(x-4)² + 24

So, the largest possible area is 24 cm².

Let the smaller number be x and the larger number be 10-x.

x² + (10-x)²

= 2x²-20x+100

= x²-10x+50

= (x²-10x +5²) + 50 - 5²

= (x-5)² +25

When x = 5,

the sum of their squares is a minimum.

So, the two positive number is 5 and 5.
參考: ki copyrights@2007Dec
2007-12-17 12:34 am
i) angle AXB = angle YXZ
angle XAB = angle XYZ
so triangle ABC is similar to triangle XAB (AAA similarity)
hence, AB/YZ = AX/XY, i.e. AB = AX*YZ/XY = (8-x)*12/8 = 3(8-x)/2 cm

ii) area of rectangle ABCY = AB * AY = x * (24-3x)/2 = 3x(8-x)/2 cm^2

b) set f(x) = 3x(8-x)/2 = (24x - 3x^2)/2
f'(x) = (24 - 6x) / 2
set f'(x) = 0, we have (24-6x) /2 = 0, hence 6x = 24 i.e. x = 4
as f'(x) > 0 for x < 4 and f'(x) < 0 for x > 4
so we have x = 4 provided the maximum value of f(x)
The largest possible area of rectangle ABCY = f(4) = 3*4(8-4)/2 = 24cm^2


2007-12-17 14:03:26 補充:
tommylautszki 多謝你個reminding.我都剩係記得F.4 有學過微分. (原來係 A.MATH)應該用completing square method 先岩一時口快~ 答深左 Sorry
參考: 自己的運算

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