
2007-12-16 9:57 pm


回答 (2)

2007-12-16 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Hong Kong Red Cross, was founded in 1950, at that time for the English Red Cross's overseas branch, until 1997 July 1, Hong Kong returned China, only then became the Red Cross Society of China the branch The Hong Kong Red Cross young people have three kind of associations, has the youth to roll, the youth country and the adult roll, old person Shi may participate in the more than sixty years old English group, therefore Hong Kong's Red Cross may supply different don't and the age ginseng
參考: me
2007-12-17 2:21 am
The Hong Kong Red Cross, was founded in 1950, at that time for the English Red Cross's overseas branch, until 1997 July 1, Hong Kong returned China, only then became the Red Cross Society of China the branch The Hong Kong Red Cross young people have three kind of associations, has the youth to roll, the youth country and the adult roll, old person Shi may participate in the more than sixty years old English group, therefore Hong Kong's Red Cross may supply different don't and the age ginseng

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