邊到買到女王的教室VCD/DVD一問 20分

2007-12-16 9:35 pm

回答 (3)

2007-12-16 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
语言 日语
字幕 繁体中文
Disc Format VCD
影像制式 NTSC / PAL / Color
片数 # 8 片
出版日期 07-Oct-05
艺人 天海佑希 , 志田未来  

内容简介 : 女王的教室 (日本戏剧 VCD)
魔鬼教师阿久津(天海佑希 饰)将来到这个6年3班的班上担任导师,传说中她的班级会发生许多可怕的事件,像是上课中不准去上厕所,开学的座位按成绩高低来排,每周定期考试成绩最低者要当班上的值日生还有班代,总而言之就是杂务工,成绩好的人有特权,只要第一堂课不迟到,不参加朝会也可以,种种严格的规定一一出炉,这个班级的学生将会用怎样的方式跟这样的老师相处下去呢?

Yuki Amami plays Maya Akutsu, a sixth-grade teacher who dresses all in black and is repeatedly referred to as "oni sensei" (the teacher from hell), when, in fact, she seems to be an ultrarealist at heart. The drama focuses on a year in her classroom and, particularly, the effect it has on 12-year-old Kazumi--a nice but mediocre student whose parents want to send her to a private secondary school.

Akutsu-sensei accomplished this feat by introducing a test-based rank and privilege system on the first day. The highest scorers on the Monday morning test get their choice of seats and other perks while the two lowest scorers are burdened with all the chores for the week from blackboard and toilet cleaning to serving lunch. The system also disallows toilet breaks during class because this reflects an inability to manage one's own schedule.

Kazumi gets the first week's work assignment along with the class clown, a warmhearted boy who is not nearly as silly as he acts. The child actors in the series are all likeable pros who give realistic portrayals of the wide spectrum of an average classroom from the isolated serious students to the sophisticated girls who think they already know what life is all about. Akutsu-sensei lets them know immediately that they do not have a clue.

When the students protest her system and call it unfair, she tells them to open their eyes. In Japanese society, she lectures, those who work hard or have influence get all the privileges, and the lazy or less affluent end up with the leftovers. She says only six in 100 people can expect to be happy and the elite already have most of the advantages and access to the best medical care. She tells them that, as products of the public school system, they will have to scramble to get anything at all, and most of them will end up as "bonjin" (ordinary people), to whom those on the top will be happy to leave the soldiering and service-sector jobs
參考: me
2007-12-16 9:51 pm
參考: myself
2007-12-16 9:42 pm
其實去旺角信和中心shopping,十間有九間都有女王教室 VCD DVD
參考: 自己行過

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