F.2 science (2) (T & F)

2007-12-16 8:32 pm
Read the following statement.Which one is T(correct) and which one is F(wrong)?
1)Metals can conduct electricity because they have no resistance.
2)We can use a resistor to control the size of the current in a circuit.
3)A long metal wire has less resistance because there is more metal for conduction.
4)A thicker metal wire has a larger resistance.
5)The resistance of a rheostat can be changed.

回答 (1)

2007-12-16 10:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. False because every metal has their own resistance, the reason that metal can conduct electricity is they have free electron

2. False because resistor can only decrease the size of current, transformer can change it whether increases or decreases

3. False because resistance have a direct proportion with wire length

4. False because resistance have a inverse proportion with wire surface area

5. True beacuse that is the function it is
參考: me

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