F.2 science (T & F )

2007-12-16 8:25 pm
Read the following statements.Which one is T(correct) and which one is F (wrong)?
1)A dry cel of 3V has a greater electrical push than a dry ce of 1.5V.
2)Ammeters can be used to measure voltages.
3)We can get a higher voltage by joining cells in the opposite direction.
4)To measure the voltage of a cell,the red(+) terminal of a voltmeter should be conneted to the positive pole of the cell.

回答 (1)

2007-12-16 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2)F Ammeters can be used to measure ampere.
3)F We cannot get a higher voltage by joining cells in the opposite direction.
參考: me

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