Photo critique?

2007-12-16 12:59 am
just tell me what you think ... AND, for what it's worth, I'm no pro, I'm 14.

Also, none of the picture have been edited in anyway.

lol ... I know, they aren't anything amazing or dramatic, but hey, I'm just starting.


I have a Canon point and shoot, the SD800 IS.

回答 (12)

2007-12-16 1:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
first off let me say they are dramatic and I think you have a natural talent. I want to use the two people in front of a window as my comp background. You are really good... I am impressed these are taken from a 14 yr old. What camera did u use?
2007-12-16 1:19 am
The images are good and at 14, you still have a long way to venture into the world of photography be it film based or digital. Our learning curve never ends. Keep clicking away and discover the world of speed, aperture, depth of field and the countless situations that you may encounter.
2007-12-16 1:05 am
You have cool pictures. Look, you shouldn´t care about what people thinks, If it is your dream never stop doing it..

P.s: Your poddle looks great in black and white.
2007-12-16 10:17 pm
I think you are doing a very good job of documenting your life, and you will be thrilled to look back on these images in the years to come. Not bad work at all for your age and experience. I won't say they look professional, but it is a good start. Of course, there is lots to be learned. Get some books in beginning photography and composition,, one in particular, "Understanding Exposure", by Bryan Peterson. Take some classes if they are available. Read and understand the information in your camera manual to get the most out of the equipment you have.

When shooting land or sea scapes, it is important to keep the horizon level. When shooting sunsets or sunrises, don't forget to turn around, there may be opportunities to shoot what the sun is lighting behind you.

About "editing"...a good image working program is Adobe Photoshop Elements (I believe version 5 is the newest) and affordable. Digital images usually benefit from at least a little post processing. Also, it is way better to do B&W conversions in post processing than in-camera. Making the capture B&W in-camera discards too much information.

You seem like an intelligent and talented young person. Photography is a wonderful hobby, continue to develop your skill and enjoy!
2007-12-16 1:11 am
I like many of the scenery pictures. Nice compositions, interesting textures.

2007-12-16 1:07 am
The dog and the bike pics are great.

You can't put your subject in the center of your photo.. it just doesn't work. Keep that in mind. Interesting photos make your eye wander all over, rather than just stay at the center.
2007-12-16 1:03 am
The top six look professional. I thought your dog was a toy...heh. I'm no pro either, though :)

Nicely done! Keep plugging!
2007-12-16 1:02 am
very nice! they look professional. its amazing that you are only 14.
2007-12-16 3:25 am
I'm in a bind while looking at your images. Your images either look great, but are missing the elements of photography, or have the elements of photography, but do not look so good.

All of your images are not focused on one specific subject. This is good, and it is bad at the same time. This is good, since it shows that you have a good imagination and eye. This is bad, becuase you have not been able to develop in a specific area. An example would be, a landscape photographer will have mostly landscape images, not portraits. This is because that landscape photographer has shot mostly landscapes, and therefore has become very good at what he/she does. The same holds true for any photographer.

What you need to do is study and learn. Take classes in high school. Read photography books. Learn techniques. Practice makes perfect. To help develop yourself as a photographer, find a field and go with it.

Hope this helps.
2007-12-16 1:02 am
they look throw but sort of useless but i know u gots some talent good job

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