why do men leave you for another woman?

2007-12-15 6:16 pm
when you are engaged to that person.

回答 (15)

2007-12-15 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because most mens sense of reasoning is not located in their brain as it is in most brains of humans. Where it is located I cannot say on line. But.... when their senses get the best of them, they seem to think grass is greener on the other side and go for it without giving a second thought of the pain they inflict on their loved ones or the pain they could inflict on themselves in the future.

Shorter version: DUMB

Thank God all men are not like this and have normal brain function. Hang in there sweetie. Your X did you a favor. It's better to find out now then later. Mr. Right is out there some where waiting for you. You will find him or he will find you.
2007-12-15 6:21 pm
That was the wrong man for you Mary.
Good to know now than later,cheer up
and move on.
Happy holidays
2007-12-15 6:23 pm
Marriage is a life changing decision.

If a guy sees that things are not working out, and finds someone who may be a better "match," well, I can see it happening. But then, it's not like women don't do it either.

Engagement is a simply an intent to marry someone. It's not a legally binding agreement. It's a title, like BF/GF or whatever. So, if things are not working out, why go through with it?
2007-12-15 6:21 pm
Many don't, so your question should be why did the guy who did that to you, do that?

You'd have to ask him...women are known to dump guys for someone else also. It's poor behavior no matter who does it. Sometimes they think they've found someone better...

Sorry you got hurt.
2007-12-15 6:20 pm
Thank your lucky stars you didn't marry.
Men have a part of their anatomy that does most of their thinking for them - that is the reason.
2007-12-15 6:20 pm
Because he's a jerk. If he left you for another woman, then be thankful that he did this while you were engaged and not after you were married. He just did you a favor by showing you what a jerk he is, and giving you the opportunity to get him out of your life and find a good guy who will treat you like you deserve to be treated.
2007-12-15 6:20 pm
Its called trading up. I am not saying its right but if he really loved you it would not have happened. Be grateful it happened now instead of 5-10 years after you marry.
2007-12-15 6:26 pm
Mary H, Sorry but I believe for the same reason my wife began cheating and we divorced. Jesus is ready to come back to earth and the devil knows that his end is near so he is tempting people to sin so he will have an evil following in the lake of fire ! Misery loves company !
2007-12-15 6:25 pm
i think it is because that girl has some special features that you may not have
and which are the things attracting the men to leave a woman they are dating with
yes it is so sad
but i think if a guy leave you for another woman , then i think it is the time to find another guy for yourself
and i think we should be able to still be with him
because he may not still love or miss you , he just wants to use you for engaging his time before he hasnt found another woman to be with him
so i think if i were that woman i will move on and get away from him forever
2007-12-15 6:23 pm
It deponds on their look to you.
Some men (not all of them) tend to women only "to be loved" and some only for sex.

So, you should recognize him!! What does he like (or want) you for?
If a person really loves you, will never leave you alone.

این بستگی به نگاه او به شما دارد
بعضی از مردان (نه همه) تنها برای "محبت دیدن" به زنان تمایل پیدا می کنند و بعضی تنها برای سکس

بنابراین، باید او را بشناسی!! او برای چه تو را دوست دارد یا می خواهد؟
اگر کسی شما را دوست داشته باشد، هرگز تنهایتان نخواهد گذاشت

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