Passive Voice

2007-12-16 6:45 am
Watching television still seems to be the preferred pastime of many students. Even in the computer age, with the availability of the Internet, video games and various interactive media, students still choose television as the way they like to relax themselves. After conducting an informal survey, I 1. _______( surprise) with the results.

回答 (3)

2007-12-21 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
am surprised (使吃驚,使感到意外)

have surprised 不是passive voice, have been surprised 才是passive voice.
由於前面用After---用作先後之分, 後面那句不應用perfect tense, 前面那句才用perfect tense
After I have conducted an informal survey, I am surprises with the results.

2007-12-21 18:06:43 補充:
Sorry, 打錯字After I have conducted an informal survey, I am surprised with the results.
2007-12-16 6:00 pm
I have surprised with the results. (passive voice)

2007-12-20 21:31:13 補充:
2007-12-16 6:48 am

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