
2007-12-16 5:50 am

其實有時都幾羨慕D英文為first language既國家既人
E.g: us,uk...去到邊到都可以講番佢地講開既語言,差唔多係世界通行...唔駛學多樣語言就可以係佢地地方/國家,正正常常咁生活工作,可能人地失業,係因為佢賴,無學識...但係係hk...就可能只係因為你唔識英文...:-(


回答 (2)

2007-12-16 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
英文係國際語言, is because it is the first language of big and strong countries (e.g. USA, UK) Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Philippines (It's so true) are other examples (sorry, no offense to people from these countries but the USA and the UK are so well-known)

Actually, people from these countries have to learn second or third language. In the UK, Spanish, Italian,French and German are very popular among the school kids

In the USA and Canada, French and Spanish are very well-known by the school kids there. Do you remember Ms. USA of some year spoke in Spanish in public because she wanted to impress the Mexican descendants?

Sorry, but reality makes us learn English so work hard and who knows that maybe you'll fall in love with this language some day and teach it =)

Keep up the good work
參考: Jeff Chan, me
2007-12-16 6:12 am
Just because many people from different countries speak English as their mother tongue. And most of teh scholars come from English-speaking countries, thus, they tend to write their research in English and English then became an international language

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