我想問下讀南華早報的young post ?

2007-12-16 4:37 am
1.我想問下讀南華早報的young post 對學者英文有用?
3.如果單單睇young post ,得唔得?

我想講every day 要睇幾多英文book才可以(eg幾多頁?) 我又想問睇英文book時,一行裏know幾多未,才可以

回答 (2)

2007-12-16 8:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Of course , it is useful.
2. You should read them often and guess the meaning of the word without much reliance on the dictionary.
3. You should watch TV, listen to the radio and read more more books.
4. same as above (3).
5. If you use the dictionary too often , you may easily forget the words. I suggest you should guess the meaning first before using the dictionary.

2007-12-16 11:24:21 補充:
據本人經驗,英文不好,都是自少沒有保持閱讀英文書的習慣。但是It's never too late!!如你每曰能保持讀一至二本英文書,包你的英文會愈來愈好!方法:-page one 等書局打書釘(適合8-11歲的書都無所謂,雖然你已中二)-圖書館借書

2007-12-17 23:19:27 補充:
總括地講,想學好英文就要多看英文書,要培養起興趣,最好像上在癮,像想打遊戲機一樣。其實你去一次page one 隨意揀一系列書本,實有D合你心水,如偵探,神秘,鬼怪等題材的書。當你有興趣時,到時你會愛不釋手,就不會計算你看了幾多頁,夠唔夠頁數了。祝你英文猛進!!
參考: Me
2007-12-16 4:44 am

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