
2007-12-16 3:12 am
多功能活氧機--能有效去除果蔬的殘留農藥,細菌,肉類食品中的抗生素,激素,荷爾蒙等有害物質.使肉質果蔬更新鮮,可口.能有效殺死空氣中的細菌,分解有害氣體,釋放負氧離子,預防空調病.能預防皮膚病真菌感染,也可用於日常生活用品的殺菌,消毒.能去除水中的細菌,重金屬離子有機雜質等有害物質,使水質更清澈潔凈殺菌,消毒 ,凈化水質,活氧潔凈,護膚美容等.具有智慧、美觀、操作簡便,實用的特點

回答 (5)

2007-12-16 3:22 am
Multi-purpose live oxygen machine--Can remove the fruits and vegetables effectively the residual agricultural chemicals, the bacterium, in the meats food antibiotic, the hormone, the hormone and so on the deleterious substance. Causes the pulp fruits and vegetables to be fresher, delicious. Can kill in the air effectively the bacterium, the decomposition noxious gas, releases the negative oxygen ion, prevention air conditioning sickness. Can prevent skin disease fungus infection, also available in daily life thing sterilization, disinfection. Can remove in the water the bacterium, the heavy metal ion organic impurities and so on the deleterious substance, causes the water quality to be more limpid the clean sterilization, the disinfection, water quality, live oxygen clean, skin care cosmetology and so on. Has the wisdom, artisticly, the operation is simple, practical characteristic.
參考: me
2007-12-16 3:20 am
係Multi-purpose live oxygen machine--Can remove the fruits and vegetables effectively the residual agricultural chemicals, the bacterium, in the meats food antibiotic, the hormone, the hormone and so on the deleterious substance. Causes the pulp fruits and vegetables to be fresher, delicious. Can kill in the air effectively the bacterium, the decomposition noxious gas, releases the negative oxygen ion, prevention air conditioning sickness. Can prevent skin disease fungus infection, also available in daily life thing sterilization, disinfection. Can remove in the water the bacterium, the heavy metal ion organic impurities and so on the deleterious substance, causes the water quality to be more limpid the clean sterilization, the disinfection, water quality, live oxygen clean, skin care cosmetology and so on. Has the wisdom, artisticly, the operation is simple, practical characteristic .呢個文字係我發上網架,你地上面D人唔好抄得就抄啦
2007-12-16 3:17 am
The multi-purpose live oxygen -- can effectively remove the fruits and vegetables to keep , the fungus, in the meat food antibiotic, the hormone, the Dutch Mongolia and so on is harmful Causes the meat fruits and vegetables renewal , is delicious Can effective □die the spatial □center □the fungus, the decomposition is harmful , puts the oxygen , the air defense gets sick Can □guard against Pi? sickness fungus infection, also may use in the daily life thing □the fungus, the disinfection Can remove in the water the fungus, the large sum of money □□sub- has □□□and so on to be harmful , causes Shui?geng the limpid □□□fungus, the disinfection, □water □, live oxygen cosmetology and so on Has the wisdom, is beautiful , the operation then, uses especially
2007-12-16 3:16 am
i don know, you 上yahoo 字典
參考: me ☆∫?
2007-12-16 3:16 am
Multi-purpose live oxygen machine--Can remove the fruits and vegetables effectively the residual agricultural chemicals, the bacterium, in the meats food antibiotic, the hormone, the hormone and so on the deleterious substance. Causes the pulp fruits and vegetables to be fresher, delicious. Can kill in the air effectively the bacterium, the decomposition noxious gas, releases the negative oxygen ion, prevention air conditioning sickness. Can prevent skin disease fungus infection, also available in daily life thing sterilization, disinfection. Can remove in the water the bacterium, the heavy metal ion organic impurities and so on the deleterious substance, causes the water quality to be more limpid the clean sterilization, the disinfection, water quality, live oxygen clean, skin care cosmetology and so on. Has the wisdom, artisticly, the operation is simple, practical characteristic

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