force of gravity and weight

2007-12-16 2:12 am
1.Force of gravity is a non-contact force as it pulls objects to the centre of the earth without contact.
2.The weight of an object is the force of gravity pulling it towards the earth.
3.THerefore the weight is a force.

我唔明第三句,點解weight is a force??
Weight 算contact 定 non-contact force??

回答 (2)

2007-12-16 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
但依你句子上既理解, 如下 :
1. force of gravity = non-contact force
 (不需任何接觸, 而且能把物件拉向地球中心 -> 即是因地心吸力而墜落)
2. weight of an object = force of gravity
3. weight = force
 因為 non-contact force = force of gravity = weight of an object
 so, weight is a non-contact force
參考: 個人理解
2007-12-16 3:01 am
Weight 其實係 non-contact force ,因為佢係地心對物體既拉力 ,就好似磁力咁,雖然正極同負極冇接觸,但佢地之間都會存在吸力, 所以磁力都係non-contact force.

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