請問Coenzyme Q10有沒有什麼副作用?

2007-12-15 5:13 am
請問Coenzyme Q10有沒有什麼副作用?

回答 (2)

2007-12-16 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
我都試緊。200mg per day。成個星期喇!暫時唔覺有副作用。
Hope below helps.
Side Effects and Warnings
There are few serious reported side effects of CoQ10. Side effects are typically mild and brief, stopping without any treatment needed. Reactions may include nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, heartburn, diarrhea, loss of appetite, skin itching, rash, insomnia, headache, dizziness, irritability, increased light sensitivity of the eyes, fatigue, or flu-like symptoms.

CoQ10 may lower blood sugar levels. Caution is advised in patients with diabetes or hypoglycemia, and in those taking drugs, herbs, or supplements that affect blood sugar. Serum glucose levels may need to be monitored by a healthcare provider, and medication adjustments may be necessary.

Low blood platelet number was reported in one person taking CoQ10. However, other factors (viral infection, other medications) may have been responsible. Lowering of platelets may increase the risk of bruising or bleeding, although there are no known reports of bleeding from CoQ10. Caution is advised in people who have bleeding disorders or who are taking drugs that increase the risk of bleeding. Dosing adjustments may be necessary.

CoQ10 may decrease blood pressure, and caution is advised in patients with low blood pressure or taking blood pressure medications. Elevations of liver enzymes have been reported rarely, and caution is advised in people with liver disease or taking medications that may harm the liver. CoQ10 may lower blood levels of cholesterol or triglycerides. Thyroid hormone levels may be altered based on one study.

Organ damage due to lack of oxygen/blood flow during intense exercise has been reported in a study of patients with heart disease, although the specific role of CoQ10 is not clear. Vigorous exercise is often discouraged in people using CoQ10 supplements.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
There is not enough scientific evidence to support the safe use of CoQ10 during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
2007-12-22 1:58 am
沒有,根據HEQm可改變我一生 呢本書講:只有是攝取不足才會影響身體,一般就算你日日吃(我日日吃嘅)都不會引起身體不適或者有什麼負作用!!!!
Coenzyme Q 10 (輔酶Q10)
科學家相信輔酶Q10是與人體95%以上的能量代謝功能有關,美國心臟醫學期刊(American Journal of Cardiology)在1990年發表:
輔酶Q10是人體細胞粒腺體製造能量及維持生命的必須成份,可能基於人體老化的關繫,故人體內輔酶Q10量自人到30歲起,便會逐漸降低,因此細胞亦會加速退化(Degeneration of Cells),造成與人體老化相關的疾病,例如:心臟病、高血壓、關節炎及皮膚的老化;
德國Beiersdorf AG保羅•傑生•烏納博士(Dr. Paul Gerson Unna)在1998年5月於美國波士頓第一次輔酶Q10國際研討會(First Conference of the International Coenzyme Q10 Association)中,發表其對輔酶Q10與人體皮膚試驗的結果,顯示出輔酶Q10具有類似維他命E的作用,可以顯著減緩皮膚組織受到自由基(Free Radical molecule)的破壞,同時,輔酶Q10的效果更強於維生素E 40倍,保羅•博士指出:若每天使用含有輔酶Q10的眼貼,持續6周後,眼部的皺紋之深度會改善27%,若持續使用10周後,眼部的魚尾紋及皺紋更會改善達43%,同時,輔酶Q10具有效改善老人斑,並且無任何毒性的反應;
生物化學博士Dr. Folkers臨床實驗發現,輔酶Q10是人體中最重要的一種物質,若然缺少了輔酶Q10,人的身體就無法活動。心臟若缺乏輔酶Q10,就會造成心臟功能不足,且無力促進有效的血液循環;
美國心臟科學雜誌﹝American Journal of Cardiology﹞做了一項調查,發現心臟病患者若服用了輔酶Q10,會令患者減輕疼痛,發作次數也會相應減少,而且心肌也會較強韌;
2. 有效預防導致動脈硬化的低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL)的氧化,同時,在日本已被批准使用輔酶Q10治療充血性心力衰竭等心血管疾病;
3. 用於治療與牙周疾病、高血壓以及癌症,尤其是治療在齒齦炎、高血壓、乳腺癌方面,都曾獲得很好的療效効果;
4. 啟動生物體細胞呼吸和在能量代謝過程中發揮關鍵作用,並增強人體免疫力、對抗腫瘤和治療愛滋病;亦可大幅減少人體於心臟病和中風後,所產生突發的游離基,而導致的組織損害;
5. 改善氣喘過敏症狀,幫助治癒腸胃潰瘍,促進傷處的復合,亦可保護血管,降低血壓,預防動脈硬化;更能提高運動表現;
參考: HEQm可改变我一生 (book) and me

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