English - I'm up to my eyes in work at the moment.

2007-12-15 3:55 am
Dear writing experts,

Please explain the folowing sentence:

English - I'm up to my eyes in work at the moment.

What does it mean by: "up to my eyes" and the whole sentence.

Thank you for your help.

回答 (3)

2007-12-15 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
up to one's eyes (or ears) in sth= very busy with something,

I'm up to my eyes in work at the moment.- 我現在工作忙極了

hope it can help you. :)
2007-12-15 7:31 pm
I'm up to my dogs in work at the yahoo
2007-12-15 7:29 am
I'm up to my eyes in work at the moment

這裡up to my eyes是形容一個快頭昏腦漲的情況,快要死,連眼睛都快看不到的臨界點

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