
2007-12-15 2:54 am
要 (((兩篇))) 旅行ge英文對話...


回答 (2)

2007-12-16 3:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Ah Wah: Where do you wanna do lunch today?
2) Ah Yee: I don't know, what are they famous for here?
3) Ah Wah: Mmm…they are really famous for Fish & Chips here! Wanna try?
4) Ah Yee: Fish & Chips sounds good! I hope they have many selections of sauce to go with it!
5) Ah Wah: Ok, hold on, let me look at my travelers' guide to see which eatery is close by!
6) Ah Yee: Alright, let's sit down on that bench over there.
7) Ah Wah: Ok, that will give me a minute to look carefully.
8) Ah Yee: Please find one that is close by. I'm not only hungry, my legs are also tired from all the walking this morning.
9) Ah Wah: Me too. I can use a break and an ice cold drink!
10) Ah Yee: I know. I feel the same way.
11) Ah Wah: (Looking at the traveler's guide and where they are at).
12) Ah Yee: Did you find one yet?
13) Ah Wah: Yes, kind of, there are couple of them around here.
14) Ah Yee: Ok, so which one should we pick?
15) Ah Wah: Maybe we should go to the "Old Style Fish & Chips.
16) Ah Yee: Why?
17) Ah Wah: Because it is the closest from here and also it's got a 5 stars rating!
18) Ah Yee: That sounds like a good choice!
19) Ah Wah: Also, the prices are very good and the service also has 5 stars!
20) Ah Yee: Let's go then I'm starving!
21) Ah Wah: Sure, let's get going.
22) Ah Yee: How far is it?
23) Ah Wah: It's not far, it's only about 3 blocks from here.
24) Ah Yee: Good. I have to have a break soon!
25) Ah Wah: I know, I'm very thirsty.
26) Ah Yee: Hope they have a table for us.
27) Ah Wah: Yep.
28) Ah Yee: Do we turn right or left now?
29) Ah Wah: Mm…let me see. Oh, make a right here.
30) Ah Yee: And then 2 more blocks right?
31) Ah Wah: Yes, 2 more blocks but next block we gotta turn left.
32) Ah Yee: Ok, so we are almost there.
33) Ah Wah: Yes we are.
34) Ah Yee: Ok, one more block now.
35) Ah Wah: Oh look, we are here!
36) Ah Yee: Which one? I don't see it.
37) Ah Wah: That one, with the big fish tail sign sticking out!
38) Ah Yee: Oh! I see it now!
參考: myself
2007-12-15 2:59 am
That easy
Use ielts book!
參考: Sherman

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