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At a wedding, there was a child that walked down the aisle. Every two steps he stopped, put his hands up in the air like claws, and gave a little roar. So it kept going. Step Step Roar, Step Step Roar. When he finally got to the altar the guests were in tears laughing. When asked why he was doing this he said, *I was the ring bear!*
在婚禮中,一位小孩正在走廊中步行,他每雨步便停一下,跟著以雙手舉向天扮作爪型,然後發出咆哮叫聲, 如是者一邊行一邊做同樣動作. 踏-踏-叫,踏-踏-叫.當他步至教堂盡頭,所有嘉賓已笑出眼淚. 而當他被問到為何這樣做時,他回答說:我是一隻介指熊.
2007-12-14 19:53:03 補充: