A Question about signing up for Facebook. 10分

2007-12-14 8:57 pm
Every time I sign up ,
it saids 'Sorry, you are ineligible to sign up for facebook'.
I want to know how to solve this problem. Thx=]

回答 (2)

2007-12-20 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
你個email要之前冇人用過你個名要佢覺得係真名年紀唔可以太細, 你要大過13如果你話你自己讀某間學校, 你要俾學校email address (仲要係facebook認可o既), 如果唔係佢唔會俾你, 咁你只可以o係"I am"o個度揀"None of the above"
2007-12-19 3:37 am
你係咪揀左 none of the above 個生日又揀左18歲以下?你揀嘅學校同你個生日要match 架, e.g. 10歲唔可以high school
參考: 自己

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