
2007-12-14 8:06 pm

Pure Maths + Physics + Chem or Bio + Physics + Chem ?


回答 (2)

2007-12-14 8:35 pm
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2007-12-17 08:02:58 補充:

2007-12-17 08:11:01 補充:
不如您比個email add我,我陣間email d 資料比您吖..
參考: me
2007-12-17 7:02 am
Your choice is Between Pure Maths and Bio right?
Biology would prepare you well for the first semester ie Introduction to Health and Disease(IHD) block and your basic science would be better
Pure Maths: only if you want your two years of AL to be more diverse, it doesn't help medic at all

I have taken Pure Maths but my classmates who took Biology told me it only helps for the first semester, but if i could choose again, i'd probably choose biology

The admission ppl do not care whether you take Pure Maths or Biology, but it's better to choose one that you think you can get an A in. 機會是一樣

PS. if you want to get into HKU MBBS, you MUST get an A in Chemistry, well that's at least the phenomenon in my class. At least 2As in HKAL, and one must be Chem. Got it?

2007-12-16 23:03:55 補充:
Sorry, left out one thing, despite you need to get an A in AL Chemistry, you will NOT need to use your Chemistry knowledge when you study MBBSi'm in year 5 and that's what my experience tells me
參考: MBBS 5

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