唔該俾4種conditional 句我(每種4句) 10 分!!!!

2007-12-14 6:29 pm
type1:If we heat the ice, it melts.

回答 (2)

2007-12-14 8:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Conditional 0
The zero conditional is a structure used for talking about general truths -- things which always happen under certain conditions.
conditional 0 是用來描述普通的事實。一樣東西發生, 另一樣東西就會發生。
The zero conditional is used to talk about things which are always true -- scientific facts, general truths
用來講述事實, 常識, 科學上的真實。
(note that most zero conditional sentences will mean the same thing if "when" is used instead of "if")

if clause - if + subject + simple present verb
main clause - subject + simple present verb

If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. 假如你水熱至100度, 它會沸騰。
If you cross an international date line, the time changes. 如果過了國際換日線, 時間會改變。
(This always happens, every time you cross a dateline.)
If you go 10 meters under water, the pressure increases to two atmospheres. 如果你下水底10 米, 氣壓會增加2。
(This is basically always true -- the pressure of 10 meters of water equals one atmosphere.)
Phosphorus burns if you expose it to air. Phosphorus(化學物) 會燃燒, 如果暴露在空氣中。
(This is a scientific fact -- you can test it in a laboratory.)

Conditional 1
The first conditional (also called conditional type 1) is a structure used to talk about things which are possible in the present or the future -- things which may happen:
if clause - if + subject + simple present verb
main clause - subject + will + verb

If it's sunny, we'll go to the park.
(Maybe it will be sunny -- that's possible.)
Paula will be sad if Juan leaves.
(Maybe Juan will leave -- that's possible.)
If you cook the dinner, I'll wash the dishes.
(Maybe you will cook the supper -- that's possible.)
If you study hard, you will pass the test.
(May be you will pass the test -- that's possible.)

Conditional 2
The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.

if clause -- if + subject + simple past verb
main clause -- subject + would + verb

If I were you, I would drive more carefully in the rain.
(I am not you -- this is unreal. )
Paula would be sad if Jan left.
(Jan will not leave -- that's not going to happen.)
If dogs had wings, they would be able to fly.
(Dogs don't have wings -- that's impossible. )
If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house.

Conditional 3
The third conditional (also called conditional type 3) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the past. It is often used to express criticism or regret:
用來講述過去了, 沒可能發生的。多數用來講述後悔的事。

If you had driven more carefully, you would not have had an accident. 如果你小心駕駛, 你就不會發生意外
(Criticism: You had an accident because you didn't drive carefully enough. )
If we had played a little better, we could have won the game. 如果你表現好一點點, 我們便會勝出遊戲。
(Regret: We didn't play well, so we lost the game. )
If you had saved your money, you could have bought a computer. 如果你節省金錢, 你就可以買一部電腦了!(己過去)
(Criticism: You didn't save your money, so now you can't afford a computer. )
If it had snowed, we could have gone skiing. 如果下了雪,我們便能去滑雪。
Regret: It didn't snow, so we couldn't go skiing.

參考: me
2007-12-15 8:18 am
If the ice heats, it turns into water.
If people don’t drink water for three day, he died.
If you don’t eat anything, you are hungry.
If it snows, the weather is cold.
If the atomic number is two, the number of proton is two.
If it has cell wall, it is a plant cell.
If a figure all the sides are the same, it is a square.
If you search the book in the internet, you will find it.
If you don’t go to school, your mother will publish you.
If you fail the examination, the teacher will stay down.
If I have enough money, I will buy a PSP.
If a get high mark is test, my mother will give me a present.
If I have a long holiday, I will go to Japan.
If I go over sea, I will buy a lot of souvenir.
If she is ill, she will visit a doctor.
If I were you, I would laugh at him.
If you died, I would me so upset.
If I had spare time, I would go over sea.
If I had lots of money, I would buy lots of things.
If I had a computer, I would chat on msn.
If we had a break, we would sleep for a while.
If I hadn’t been late, she wouldn’t have been so angry.
If I hadn’t lost my money, I would have bought this book.
If she hadn’t turn the air-conditioner, her mum wouldn’t have been angry.
If she hadn’t lost her way, she would have back homer earlier.
If have bring my umbrella, I wouldn’t have got wet.
If I have remembered, I would have asked you to pay it.

2007-12-15 07:38:48 補充:
更正Type0 最後一句:If a fugure all the length of side are the same, it is a squar.

2007-12-15 21:54:23 補充:
不好意思Type0最後一句最終答案:If a four side fugure all the length of side are the same, it is a squar

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