流血 點解叫 爆缸 ?

2007-12-14 11:25 am
流血 點解叫 爆缸 ?

回答 (2)

2007-12-14 11:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實, 原來的"爆缸"寫法為"爆肛", 是因為以前一些患有痔瘡的病者, 往往如厠時, 把痔瘡弄破, 而引致流血, 故稱之為爆肛, 而到今日, 便成了"流血"的口語化了
2007-12-14 11:50 am
Maybe the head is like the vat easy to break and the head will droping blood out the vat will droping water out,sssooo is tooo same!!!
Or maybe the ancient people found this out and then carry on telling other.........

參考: me me brain

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