
2007-12-14 7:54 am

點解x=2 不是=1

回答 (3)

2007-12-14 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
在一個分數中, 分母等於0 是令分數變成無意義的(meaningless or undefined)
若一個分數等於0, 只代表分子是0
所以 x - 2 = 0
and x = 2
參考: me
2007-12-14 2:54 pm

when y = 0, then

(x - 2) / (x - 1) = 0 << (1),

therefore, as y = 0 then you can also write it like this >> (x - 2) = 0 (x - 1) << (2),

as zero time any thing is equal to zero, so

x - 2 = 0 << (3)

therefore the answer of x is >> x = 2
2007-12-14 8:04 am
y= (x-2)/(x-1)
When y=0
(x-2)/(x-1) = 0
x - 2 = 0
x = 2 When x is not equal to 1
When x = 1, y is equal to infinity
參考: my calculation

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