
2007-12-14 4:57 am
1 break a butterfly on a wheel
2. c cat and dog lfie
3 leave no stone unturned
4 separate the sheep from the goats
5 straight from the shoulder

回答 (5)

2007-12-14 5:53 am
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1.break a butterfly on a wheel
Chinese Translation: 小題大作
Meaning: to use methods that are much more that necessary to reach one's purpose

Usage: It is very easy to work out the answer to this problem. I'm sure you can do it yourself. You don't have to ask so many people to work with you. You are just breaking a butterfly on the wheel.

2.c cat and dog lfie
淨係搵到Cat and dog life
If people lead a cat and dog life, they are always arguing.

3 leave no stone unturned
If you look everywhere to find something, or try everything to achieve something, you leave no stone unturned.

4.separate the sheep from the goats

Separate the sheep from the goats


Separate the good from the bad.


This expression derives from the Bible, Matthew 25, King James' Version:

25:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

25:33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

Both sheep and goats were valuable farm animals in ancient Palestine. The verses in Matthew use the commonplace Christian imagery that portrays them in very different lights. Sheep are depicted as the meek and gentle followers of Christ (the Lamb of God) and goats as unruly and coarse outcasts, who are otherwise castigated as scapegoats and widely used as the basis of portraits of Satan.

The figurative use of the biblical text didn't arise in until the late 19th century. For example, in this tongue-in-cheek advertisement for a drapery store, in the Modesto Daily Evening News, June 1895:

The Foolish Woman:
Sayeth in her heart there is no such thing as a bargain to be had in all the city of Modesto.
The Wise Woman:
Knoweth better. She discerneth the sheep from the goats and understandeth that such in not the case. She scanneth the EVENING NEWS and when an announcement appears from MARRIOTT'S STORE she makes-haste to avail herself of any bargains he may have.

5 straight from the shoulder
meaning: 直截了當地

leave no stone unturned 意指千方百計,leave表「留下」,stone表「石頭」,unturned意指「未翻轉的」。相傳西元前,有位波斯將軍戰敗後潰逃,並在軍隊駐紮地藏了寶藏,有人尋寶卻遍尋不著,於是到神殿問神。神諭提示要「leave no stone unturned」,即「一塊石頭也不留地翻過來」,最後終於找到了寶藏。此俚語引申為「千方百計」,為找到某物或實現某件事而想盡辦法之意。

2007-12-13 21:53:53 補充:
2016-05-28 2:47 pm
two wheels one fin
2007-12-14 6:25 am
1 break a butterfly on a wheel (小題大作)
2. c cat and dog lfie(水火不容)
3 leave no stone unturned(千方百計)
4 separate the sheep from the goats(明是非、辨忠奸;分別好歹)
5 straight from the shoulder(直言不諱)
2007-12-14 5:52 am
1 個斷裂一隻蝴蝶在輪子2. c 貓和狗lfie 3 千方百計4 分開綿羊與山羊5 直接從肩膀
2007-12-14 5:13 am
1 個斷裂一隻蝴蝶在輪子
2. c 貓和狗lfie
3 千方百計
4 分開綿羊與山羊
5 直接從肩膀

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