
2007-12-14 4:43 am
My favourite country or city

In Asia , many countries are there . Between these counties , I like China most . This place is my motherland and also is the biggest area .

In Beijing of China , there are many place of historic interest . Every year the visitors up to 100,000 went to there sightseeing . I like there because it will be snow in the winter .

回答 (5)

2007-12-14 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
In Asia , many countries are there . (this is english using Chinese grammer, it is a common mistake among hong kong students) Between (use "among" instead of "between" for more than one options) these counties , I like China (the) most . This place is my motherland and also is the biggest area .
There are many countries in Asia. Among those countries, I like China the most. It is the country with the biggest area in Asia, and it is also my birth place.

In Beijing of China , there are many place of historic interest . Every year the visitors up to 100,000 went to there sightseeing .(grammer錯) I like there because it will be snow in the winter . (le句同前面有D九唔搭八?)
In Beijing, capital of China, there are many places of historical interests. Up to 100,000 tourists visit each year for sightseeing. I also like it there because it will be snowing in winter.

Though the others counties (don't you mean cities? country=國家) in China also will snow . That image is good-looking and suit to everyone to go there . (I don't understand this... what do you mean? please explain)
Although some other cities in China snow as well, I like Beijing best as the scenery is best-looking out of them all and is suitable for anyone to go.
However other cities is China snow as well. The scenery is pleasent and is suitable to for everyone.

In fact , each counties or cities also have good place or bad place (this is so chinese-english 港式英文) (do you mean just in China or in the world?).Whatever I also like my fatherland very much . (完全唔明你想講咩)
In fact, all cities or countries has its pros and cons. 跟住唔明你想講咩

Please explain futher and I'll try my best

2007-12-20 22:41:08 補充:
sure! just message me
2007-12-14 4:11 pm

Beijing還Bejing, China 還 China. 由China帶入Beijing後應該繼續介紹Beijing而並非China. 唔好跳嚟跳去.

還有轉接位非常重要, 講第二樣之前一定要有小小介紹以免讀者混淆. 切記唔好冗長囉嗦, 簡單為主. 一句一idea便可.

你個主題idea使我混淆. 你想話Beijing is your favourite country/city呢? 還是想講實際上”There are also ….have good places and bad places.” 呢? 多idea並非一定好, 跟住主題idea, 唔好脫離主題.

Keep住 一個paragraph一個idea.

你個introduction 幾好.

My Favourite Country or City

There are many countries in Asia, China is the country that I love most. This is the biggest area in Asia and it is also my motherland.

In Beijing, the capital of China , there are many historical places of interest. Every year the visitors of sightseeing reach up to 100,000!

I like this place because it snows in winter. Though the others provinces or places in China also snow. But Beijing's image is the best looking and everyone loves it.
There are also other counties or cities that have good places and bad places. And I also like my fatherland very much.
參考: myself
2007-12-14 5:05 am
In Asia, there are many countries. Among these countries, I like China most. This is my motherland and has the biggest area too.

In Beijing, there are many places with historical interests. Every year up to 100000 visitors go to sightsee. I like there because it is snowy in the winter,

Although the other cities in China are snowed in winter, I think Beijing has a good image and convenient for tourists to visit there.
In fact, every country and city has its merits and demerits, but, I love my motherland very much!

XXX are there --- there are XXX
between---among (n個選擇之中...)
is the biggest area---has the biggest area (中國唔係area)
are many place...interest---are many places...interests (多過一個呀!! 用are要加s)
sightseeing(名詞)-- sightsee(動詞)
it will be snow---it will be snowy(形容詞)/snowed (地方會下雪,唔會變雪)
image is good-looking(令仔/女)----image is good(好)
good place and bad place---merits and demerits (優&缺點)
fatherland---motherland (德國人先會用fatherland去講自己既國家) !!!
參考: me
2007-12-14 4:59 am
All right!But the last sentenses'Whatever I also like my fatherland very much . 'should be 'What ever I also like my fatherland very much . '

2007-12-13 21:01:34 補充:
Among these counties , I like China most . This is my motherland.Moreover, it is the largest country in the globe.There are many historic sites in Beijing, the capital of China. According to an estimation, there are about 100000 going to Beijing for sightseeing.
2007-12-14 4:53 am
In Asia , there are many countries. Among these counties , I like China most . This is my motherland.Moreover, it is the largest country in the globe.

There are many historic sites in Beijing, the capital of China. According to an estimation, there are about 100000 going to Beijing for sightseeing. I fancy this city, because it will snow in the winter.

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