
2007-12-14 4:12 am
我想將一個詞係 presentation 到用short form

the next product is called "Advanced Product"
AP is really great product.

"....." 要點講先可以帶 AP = Advanced Product?

回答 (1)

2007-12-14 4:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
...the next product is called "Advanced Product". Advanced Product is a really great product, it can ...

you can just say "Advanced Product" for about 3 times, after that you can start saying AP, the audience will register when you say AP, also, point to the product (photograph/picture) when you first mention "Advanced Product". That will help the audience to remember, after a few times, you can start saying AP and the audience will not get confused. Most audiences are smart! Hope that helps.
參考: myself

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