Brigham Young University Prove and Snow college

2007-12-14 4:00 am
I have received my associate degree from snow college (70 credits) and then transfer to BYU provo. and received my bachelor of science in finance (138 credits)

GPA 3.86

I am a teacher now, and I need to have my bachelor and associate degree accredited by Hong Kong Accreditation Board.

Are there any chances that the accreditation board will not accredit my associate degree and my bachelor degree?

Any teachers graduated from Snow College and BYU provo? please give me some advice.

回答 (2)

2007-12-17 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am not a teacher but I am a U.S. national..Still in the States..I don't think you need to be concern. BYU is an accredited College at both the State and Federal level. Why wouldn't the Hong Kong Accreditation Board recognize that, and if by chance that they don't, I will ask for it in writing and send it to the Departement of State so we won't recognize any of Hong Kong's education accreditation either. You could come back to work here.
2008-10-12 2:24 pm

Are you a LDS? You shouldn't have problem getting your degree accredited. My wife, a secondary school English teacher had her BYUH degree, accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation (HKCAA).

former BYU Alumni Association President (Hong Kong)

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