電腦email操作問題~尋~ 解決方法

2007-12-14 1:57 am
電腦白痴如我請教大家解決的方法。 我新買了一部Dell電腦。型號是Windows Vista home basic 2006 microsoft corporation出品.全部是正版。可是很多問題:



禥 め 碔 13/12/2007 03:32:57 PM Μ徽穝〆癠虫 カ初  翠戳ユ┮絪腹  1261 坝珇  MHIZ7る  2007/12计/基/︽ㄏ基/戳舦  27650计秖  1  祏 璓碔坝珇Τそ

問題二:上網查詢銀行報價 --- 總是出現 [iweb - Dell---問我是否接[受安全性資訊]]?

回答 (1)

2007-12-14 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
No no , it isn't your computer's problem , and the problem is because the language of you computer is chinese language , but the others are different language , so it usually
appear this kind of language.So, you can download other software to convert the words.
Whish this answer can help you !
參考: internet , and myself experience

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