
2007-12-14 1:50 am

回答 (2)

2007-12-25 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你讀AL Econ, 你要讀微觀及宏觀經濟. AS Econ只係讀微觀經濟. 微觀經濟主要讀economic theory, law of demand and supply, marginal use value, indifferent curve, elasticity of demand and supply, rent and profit, factor market, wealth, interest rate and investment, private and public goods, property rights and transaction cost, dissipation of rent and government regulation等. 宏觀經濟學GDP, keynesian model, IS-LM model, unemployment, inflation, philips curve, exchange rate, balance of payment, international trade等.
高考Econ其實好考你分析力, 而有關理論都好科學化. Section C要你用你學過知識去解釋經濟現象. 背雖然係要背, 但一定要讀得明白. 當然如果你語文好就更加好, 因為考試要你寫文章答問題.
會計方面, 你要識點入數, 點整報表, 點計不同數目. 讀會計最重要夠勤力同轉數要好. 每個數加減背後一定有原因, 你當然要知咩時候要點做. 淺既可以好淺, 深既可以好深. 會計亦唔只係計數, 亦有野背. 如果你唔怕數字、有耐性、轉數ok快、善於理解, 的確幾適合讀會計.
邊科易方面, 視乎你性格, 難以一概而論.
2007-12-14 1:57 am
also not easy....
but econ is more useful!
參考: me

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