
2007-12-14 1:27 am
本人現在在香港. 有加拿大 passport. 但有效期不夠半年. 想經美國返加拿大. 因機票平很多, 是否可行. 在美國轉機到加拿大時, 可否轉用特區護照.

我的特區護照是沒有美國簽証的. 所以必順要用加拿大 passport 入美國.

回答 (2)

2007-12-15 10:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are flying back to Canada via the States with your HKSAR Passport, you do need a transit visa. (Please refer to the website: http://hongkong.usconsulate.gov/niv_twov_iti_faq.html)

In your case, I'd suggest you to consult with the Canadian Consulate in Hong Kong, should be able to renew your passport in Hong Kong, instead of spending the extra time and money on the US transit visa application. (refer to this website:

2007-12-16 10:56:50 補充:
if you do not have a valid US vistor's visa on your HKSAR passport, you will NOT be able to transit in USA, as they do required the HKSAR passport holders obtain the visitor's visa for enter (travel) or transit in the USA.

2007-12-16 10:58:51 補充:
honestly, please do NOT try to fly to the States with your HKSAR passport but without the visa, even though you are just transit but not visiting the States.
2007-12-14 11:58 pm

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