
2007-12-14 1:01 am


回答 (3)

2007-12-14 5:43 am
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筆友是一種藉著書信往來而發展出來的友誼關係,英文為Pen Pals 或Pen Friends。在網絡興起之前,藉筆書寫信件往來的交友方式較為流行。書信在某些方面比時下的電子郵件(e-mail)要好,因為藉著郵差遞送,需要往返的時日,等著收信的心情是很特別的,展讀書信、看著受心情牽動的字跡、和隨著時日而來的泛黃的信封與信紙,常會帶來另一番的趣味。今日仍有相關機構在推廣以筆會友的交友方式。在網絡上也有人開始使用筆友一詞來代表網友中的一種,在歐美國家尤其流行。



2007-12-13 21:51:15 補充:
Pen pals (or penpals or pen friends) are people who regularly write to each other, particularly via postal mail.

2007-12-13 21:52:47 補充:
A penpal relationship is often used to practice writing and reading in a foreign language, improving literacy, to learn more about other countries and life-styles, and to eliminate loneliness.

2007-12-13 21:53:11 補充:
As with any friendships in life, some people remain penpals for only a short time, while others continue to exchange letters and presents life-long. Some penpals eventually arrange to meet face to face. Some pen pals even get married.

2007-12-13 21:53:54 補充:
Penpals come in all ages, nationalities and cultures. Pals may seek new penfriends based on their own age group, a specific occupation, hobby, or select someone totally different from them to gain knowledge about the world around them.

2007-12-13 21:54:17 補充:
Being part of a penpal network can be a way to gain a valuable understanding of the world, and an appreciation for cultures and lifestyles very different to your own.

2007-12-13 21:54:36 補充:
Many people writing to a penpal are not using their native language in their letters.

2007-12-13 21:55:00 補充:
A modern variation on the traditional penpal arrangement is to have a keypal and exchange email addresses as well as or instead of paper letters. This has the advantage of saving money and being more immediate, allowing many messages to be exchanged in a short period of time.

2007-12-13 21:55:23 補充:
The disadvantage is that the communication can be very ephemeral if the email messages are not routinely saved. Many people prefer to receive paper letters, gaining the satisfaction of seeing their name carefully printed on a thick envelope in the letterbox.

2007-12-13 21:55:46 補充:
Using postal mail, it is possible to trade postcards, stamps and anything else light and flat enough to fit inside an envelope, often called "tuck-ins".

2007-12-13 21:56:13 補充:
Penpal clubs can be found on the Internet, in magazine columns, newspapers, and sometimes through clubs or special interest groups. Some people are looking for romantic interests, while others just want to find friends.

2007-12-13 21:56:35 補充:
It seems, on the internet, that the term "pen pals" defines those looking for relationships, where pen pals originated via postal mail correspondences and has evolved to mean something more. Penpals also make and pass around friendship books, slams and crams.

2007-12-13 21:57:22 補充:
In recent years, penpal correspondence with prison inmates has gained acceptance on the Internet. Most pen pal newsletters do not publish prison pen pal ads because these communications require more caution, not simple friendships.

2007-12-13 21:58:10 補充:
Prison penpal sites are proactive, though, in offering full disclosure of inmates' crimes and providing advice for would be pen pals.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pen_pal
2007-12-14 2:35 am
lovemail.groups.com.tw - 5k - 網頁紀錄 - 更多此站結果
2.筆友 ! (siuwingwing)
喜歡笑,不會長大,愛發白夢的 wingwing ... 當時高峰時期認識了三十多個筆友, 單是回信寫到手軟 ! 那時主要認識外國朋友, 香港都有但很少, ... 是的,溝通好的確可以交得很多朋友,我以前也有很多筆友,現在精力不及以前,沒有交了。 ...
siuwingwing.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticl... - 71k - 網頁紀錄 - 更多此站結果
3.想認識筆友 - Yahoo!知識+
我想認識一個日本的筆友,有冇人可以幫到我!(幫到我認識筆友,+10分) ... 但如果為左一個港幣20元的筆友,去將港幣20元對換draft or cheque或postal order或money order或banknotes;手續費也許很多,所以我建議博一博、郵寄紙幣。 ...
hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007101301667 - 37k - 網頁紀錄 - 更多此站結果
4.梁詠琪內蒙交小筆友 - 太陽報網頁
梁詠琪內蒙交小筆友. 09/11/2007 ... GiGi自言很關心內蒙的小朋友,會寄信及禮物給他們:「佢 只係識得好簡單 漢語,感覺好似返 去做筆友咁。 」對於有關合約問題,GiGi則表示未能透露。 美眉打造至索靚相視頻盡展現. 詳情請即瀏覽《北京超女》專輯 ...
the-sun.on.cc/channels/ent/20071109/20071108232942... - 11k - 網頁紀錄 - 更多此站結果
5.聯校英文小筆友 - Joint School E-pal Scheme - Login
www.keiwa.edu.hk/epal - 3k - 網頁紀錄 - 更多此站結果
6.筆友vs網友 - 新天地、新生活、新旅程 - 小w - Yahoo! BLOG
應該可以吧, 以前就有"筆友"! 小時候也有與外國人做筆友的經驗, 好像是透過學校參加, 而且也有向一些國際筆友公司登記。 曾有過好幾位筆友, 但寫得不長久, 記憶中寫上好一段日子的來應該是荷蘭和菲律賓的。 ...
hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!iWJiTfeFHxjkh75zLL8k5xpRSW7... - 41k - 網頁紀錄 - 更多此站結果
7.亦舒言情系列 --- 筆友
[關閉視窗] ... 第 1 集. 第2 集 [關閉視窗] ...
www.rthk.org.hk/classicschannel/yi_shu_story11.htm - 3k - 網頁紀錄 - 更多此站結果
8.找尋筆友 - CUeasy.com
以香港人為主的消閒交友網站 - 提供留言板、聊天室、日記簿、自拍相簿、網上遊戲、聯誼活動、愛情故事、戀愛及求愛秘笈等資訊 ... 回覆: 找尋筆友. 哈!! 我叫lokling, 唔知我可唔可以be your panfd 呢? ...
www.cueasy.com/main/showthread.php?p=2088509#post2... - 39k - 網頁紀錄 - 更多此站結果
9.搵筆友 - CUeasy.com
以香港人為主的消閒交友網站 - 提供留言板、聊天室、日記簿、自拍相簿、網上遊戲、聯誼活動、愛情故事、戀愛及求愛秘笈等資訊 ... 回覆: 搵筆友. 好呀。。。。。。 2007-09-08, 11:54 AM #22. coco9505. 普通會員 ...
www.cueasy.com/main/showthread.php?p=1874986 - 49k - 網頁紀錄 - 更多此站結果
10.筆友 - 線索香港 - Dating/Penpal
www.findgo.net/hk/Dating/Penpal - 11k - 網頁紀錄 - 更多此站結果
參考: me
2007-12-14 1:08 am

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