Responsibility of being a student (急) 10 pts

2007-12-13 11:34 pm
Responsibility of being a student (急) 10 pts
I need to do a speech about responsibility of a student.
Please write in talking script(about 2 minutes),
the more interesting script you have, the bigger chance to get the 10 pts.
Write in English please =]
Thank you !!!

***Don't talk about the responsibility of doing your homwork***

回答 (1)

2007-12-13 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are many responsibilities of being a student.

First of all, a student should always obey school rules. School rules are very important to keep a school in order. Without school rules, a school will be in chaos.

Second, a student should always attend school on time. Being punctual is important.

Tihrd, a student should always wear tidy uniform. Wearing uniform shows that which school a student belongs to and represents. Wearing uniform also increase a student's sense of belong towards a school.

Fourth, a student should always hand in homework on time.

Fifth, a student should always respect teachers and schoolmates.

Sixth, a student should always concentrate and be involved in class. A student
should be active to take part in group discusions and other activities.

At last,a student should always be aware of what is happening in school.

These are all examples of responsibilities of being a student.This is the end of my presentation. Thank you.
參考: 自己作的

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