
2007-12-13 11:05 pm
我剛剛去中旅社買了第一次的自遊行套票, 有d驚唔知點去, 套票內容大致如下:
1)九龍 來回 蓮花港 船飛 x 2, 22號10:40am起程, 23號06:00pm回程
2)歐洲假日酒店 1 晚
3)長隆樂園 入場票 x 2
4)大馬戲入場票 x 2

a)到左蓮花港, 有冇 shuttle bus 去酒店 ? 需時幾耐 ? 如冇, 的士要幾 $ ?
b)酒店去樂園, 有冇免費車 ? 需時幾耐 ? 如冇, 的士要幾 $ ?
c)睇完馬戲, 有咩地方食晚飯好介紹 (平靚正果隻) ? 海鮮, 火鍋, 都冇問題
d)夜晚 或/及 第2日 有咩地方可以行街? 買野?
e)我住係元朗區, 除左係九龍搭船, 會唔會有更好既途徑去番禺歐洲假日酒店呢 ?
f)套票共用了 $1400元, 合理嗎 ? 財力有限要就住…heee….

請各位詳細指點. ^_^ Thanks.

回答 (2)

2007-12-14 8:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am going to that place at the same day as you preferred. on 22/12 at 7:50, and staying 1 nite at the same hotel. The traveller just told me that the shipper will annouce people on the ship to register the free hotal transportation. You just need to register with them, and they may pick you to the hotel.

If this hotel is not one of their range. You can go by taxi. The transporting time is around 30 mins. (The information also provide by the traveller.)
2007-12-13 11:10 pm

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