
2007-12-13 8:32 pm
中鐵已升到9蚊..重入得過嗎? 之前想看定點...錯過了...現在是否太遲呢?

回答 (6)

2007-12-13 9:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-12-14 3:21 am
(0390)中國中鐵, 在內地從事工程建設相關業務50年, 尤其是在鐵路建設及相關領域, 至今已發展成全國及亞洲最大綜合型建設集團, 按工程承包總收入, 中鐵2005及2006年分別位列全球第四及第三大建設工程承包商, 可見其業內領先地位, 中鐵現時業務包括提供全套建設相關服務, 例如基建建設, 勘察設計及諮詢服務, 工程設備及零部件製造等, 另參與房地產開發及礦產資源開發等其他行業.
至六月底止07年度中期, 集團營業額按年升20%至$724.9億元人民幣, 純利升33%至$6.43億元人民幣, 成績不俗, 按營業額劃分, 基建建設佔中期收入約88%, 鐵路建設佔有關業務約46.3%, 比重按年穩步提升, 反映集團受惠於中央第11個 (五年規劃).
內地建設新鐵路線, 以及延長鐵路網的總營運里程, 實現鐵路網整體技術的現代化升級改造, 為中鐵提供難得的發展機遇.
公路建設及市政工程則各佔基建建設分部收入約27.4%及26.3%, 兩項業務均處於快速增長勢頭, 隨著集團現時手頭上新簽訂單增加, 前景樂觀.
房地產方面, 雖然只佔中鐵中期營業額比重僅約1.8%, 但佔分部盈利比重22.8%, 反映有關業務邊際利潤水平遠高於基建建設業務, 更可分散盈利風險, 房地產業務能提升中鐵整體盈利能力, 基建建設業務則可降低現時宏觀調控對樓市構成的風險, 配合其他業務的貢獻續增, 中鐵稱得上攻守兼備.
今日收報$8.68, 下跌0.04$/0.46%, 高見$9.11, 現價吸納, 上望$10.00, 長線$12.00
前天之初步目標價$8.00已過, 現上望睇$10.00. 無吹水, 可參考本人之回答紀錄.

希望我提供的資料可幫到你. 並珍惜好問題和回答者心血, 不宜放棄或棄置問題, 令網友們從中切磋研究. 感激!!
2007-12-14 1:01 am
The warrants are coming out, and everyone thinks that it will drop. Everyone is waiting to buy it when it drops.

The price has gone from the 1st day $6.8 to around $8.7, it seems quite expensive now. But it is the third largest company in the world within its industry, and China also will continue to support the field. It is a very good share just like 1800 that u can hold for 10 years.

The 1st day when it goes up to $7.4, everyone said that it's expensive, because many of the new shares have drop below the 招股價. People said it will drop to $6.8. But yesterday it went up to around $8.7.

Now people say that its warrants are coming and it will drop to below $8, who can for sure it will happen? And will the big crocodiles allow it to drop to $8 so everyone can buy it?

U have to ask yrself will 390 goes up to $14 within 1-2 years, if u think it will go to $14, then does it make a big difference if u buy it now at $8 or $9? Or u continue to wait until it drops to $8 but it may not happen and maybe later u will have to buy it at a higher price.

I hope my opinion will help u to form yr own decision.
2007-12-13 9:52 pm
2007-12-13 9:44 pm
I agree with u that the price now is too expensive. I just the one like u that I want to buy it when it's price is under $7.00. Unfortunately, missing the chance. Now we all have to wait for a good chance when it's price drop down below $7.00.

Good Luck & all the best !!!
2007-12-13 9:01 pm

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