phy motion MC

2007-12-13 4:49 pm
Which must be correct?
1. car travels on straight road from A to B with uniform acceleration. Its speed v1 at instant when half of journey time from A to B is over, its speed is v2 at the midway of A and B.
A. v1 is always < v2
B. v2 is always
C.v1 always=v2
D. whether v1 isgreater orsmaller than v2 depends on its initial velocity at A

plz help with clear explanation..THZ!

B. v2 is always


smaller than v1


why直覺上好明顯係A? 我想有快d嘅方法知道答案, 唔使calculation架啦~=]

回答 (1)

2007-12-13 9:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. car travels on straight road from A to B with uniform acceleration. Its speed v1 at instant when half of journey time from A to B is over, its speed is v2 at the midway of A and B.
A. v1 is always < v2
B. v2 is always
C.v1 always=v2
D. whether v1 isgreater orsmaller than v2 depends on its initial velocity at A
Since the speed is uniform accelerate﹐so at B the speed is max, denoted it by vm
Let the time used is t and the distance is s, acceleration is a
v1 is the speed at instant when half of journey time from A to B
v2 is the speed at the midway of A and B.
Since s/2=ut+(1/2)at^2=(1/2)at^2
s=at^2, t=√(s/a)
So v1 is always < v2
The answer is A

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