390 中鐵星期五發輪之後, 股價會否回落?

2007-12-13 8:31 am
90 中鐵星期五發輪之後, 股價會否回落?

回答 (3)

2007-12-13 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-12-14 1:06 am
The warrants are coming out, and everyone thinks that it will drop. Everyone is waiting to buy it when it drops.

The price has gone from the 1st day $6.8 to around $8.7, it seems quite expensive now. But it is the third largest company in the world within its industry, and China also will continue to support the field. It is a very good share just like 1800 that u can hold for 10 years.

The 1st day when it goes up to $7.4, everyone said that it's expensive, because many of the new shares have drop below the 招股價. People said it will drop to $6.8. But yesterday it went up to around $8.7.

Now people say that its warrants are coming and it will drop to below $8, who can for sure it will happen? And will the big crocodiles allow it to drop to $8 so everyone can buy it?

U have to ask yrself will 390 goes up to $14 within 1-2 years, if u think it will go to $14, then does it make a big difference if u buy it now at $8 or $9? Or u continue to wait until it drops to $8 but it may not happen and maybe later u will have to buy it at a higher price.

I hope my opinion will help u to form yr own decision.
2007-12-13 9:59 am
試想一下, 如果有一只優質股, 沒有渦輪發行, 所有想買入390既人都只可買正價股, 呢個諗法, 岩嗎?

但, 有佐渦輪之后, 仲要係一發就發几十個, 如果你有留意開同一號碼既正股同埋渦輪既交投額, 渦輪可以多過正股. 所以, 少佐人買正股, 上升動力一定缺少佐, 甚至有0的人會唔買正股, 轉去買渦輪, 所以短期內, 正股既價值, 一定有壓力, 會先跌后慢慢上升.

所以, 呢個係一個好時機, 等發行渦輪時頭几日, 如正股滑落, 如果資金充足少少0的話, 可以雙管齊下, 買完正股再掃少少渦輪, 一定會賺.

希望可以解答到你既問題啦 ^ ^. 個人意見, 可以不理.

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