Do you think you are racist?

2007-12-12 11:11 am
to some extent....

回答 (24)

2007-12-12 11:14 am
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yeah, we all are....but i think we're more judgmental on class in this country than race
2007-12-12 7:18 pm
I have made some somewhat racist jokes. like stereotypical asian accents but nothing too harmful.
2007-12-12 7:16 pm
Well the term racist can define any extremes. Everyone can be a little racist it happens we arent perfect. But no i dont think im a racist i do however think im a realist. For example just because there is a alley with a few black men in it and its a faster way to get home. Sure they might not rob me but why take the chance? Thats not racist thats safety. But it doesent have to be black guys it could be hispanic or even rough looking white guys.
2007-12-12 7:14 pm
i would say i am a realist and i know what is going on this country and what has caused it. if that makes me a racist then yes sorry!
2007-12-12 7:17 pm
i think everyone has some racial tendencies, i remember doing a project on this years ago when i was at high school. some people just dont know they are being racist, like when they tell jokes, call someone black etc etc, but most people just accept it as way of life. i tell jokes about black people, white people, irish peeps, scottish peeps, and they all do the same. it dosent mean for one minute that i am actually racist to them, i just find them funny, but still racist jokes, are what it says, so my answer is yes :) x0x0x0x have a nice day
2007-12-12 7:16 pm
I would like to think that I'm not...but there is no denying the facts...I have a tendency to be a bit on the racist side...but I do know how to conduct myself while in the "company" of people of different races...There is no excuse for imposing my personal beliefs on other people...but yes I am a closet racist...
2007-12-14 2:36 pm
I don't think I am. I try not to be. Hard thing is, my elders were raised with some very racist views and it's hard to work those out of my mind and speech on a daily basis. It takes constant vigilance and a lot of care to make sure what you say isn't racist. By intention, I KNOW I'm not racist. Hopefully, the racist views I grew up hearing have been totally destroyed with what I've taught my own children. I think if everyone did this, in a few generations the racism and prejudice held by our generation could be almost nonexistent in the future.

It's a nice dream to shoot for at least.
2007-12-12 7:43 pm
Sometimes. But not almost are, I will be racist if i feel some country people not kind to my country people, I want to kill them but it is just i dont want to do that
2007-12-12 7:22 pm
No, I have had misconceptions and probably still do. Yet, I have friends from many background and am not afraid to speak what's on my mind. I know my heart is in the right place and love everyone. When I ask my friends about something I almost always get honest answers. My friends or just people I know very rarely get offended and are happy to talk about their culture. Many even make fun of some of the misconceptions.

I think David Chapelle was good at pointing out misconceptions of different cultures and making light of it. I really liked his show.. It's too bad some people didn't understand his humor.
2007-12-12 7:22 pm
Not one tiny bit!
Before the thumbs down come along as above you have no right to judge anyone. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. What makes you have the authority to put folk down.
2007-12-12 7:16 pm
I love all human races and i love all people I meet, I have nothing against anyone as long as he respects and treats me in a decent way.

I would love to see this world coming together as one Asians Africans Americans Europeans Australian Canadian Mexican ....etc everyone no boundaries

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