Sherlock Holmes "A Study in Scarlet" Part One?

2007-12-12 8:52 am
I have read the story already. But I dont understand why Holmes knew the cab driver was the murderer? How did he knew the murderer would come back to his stay?
Also, did the book tell us why the murderer killed Drebber and Strangerson? Revenge, but revenge for what?
and the ring, it belongs to a female? Then why is the murderer a male?

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2007-12-12 2:06 pm
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You should read both parts. I seems a shame to tell you because it's such a great story. Once you read the whole story, it all becomes quite clear.

I will give you a part answer so that I don't wreck it for you. Both men knew each other before in Utah. There was a betrayal involving a girl that they both knew. One loved her. The other only wanted her. The ring belonged to the girl.

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