Body-building foods一問...

2007-12-13 7:01 am
1. 有冇人知道咩叫'Body-building foods' 呀?(我想要英文既解釋)
2. 可唔可以舉例10個?(最好俾埋圖片)

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2007-12-13 8:03 am
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Bodybuilding Food
Best muscular physique comes with hard core workouts and energy rich diet. Bodybuilding food is the most important aspect of muscular build of your body. A good food along with appropriate exercise can shape up your body very well. There are many types of bodybuilding diets available, you have wide variety of diets from raw food to cooked food. Every one has its own arguments for eating raw food or cooked food and debate always goes on to decide which one is the best.

Basic Ingredients of Bodybuilding Foods
Protein rich foods are something most appropriate for best muscle buildup in the body. Wheat grass, hemp seed powder are very rich protein sources but it is always preferred to take them in form of cooked food for desired results. Raw food diet is also very helpful for body building as it gives you innumerable strength so that you can lift up the weights easily. Usually ingredients like minerals, enzymes and vitamins are depleted with cooking of food so raw food is preferred by those who want immense strength.

History shows that strong animal like hippo, rhino, gorilla, giraffe and elephant have immense energy and this is because they consume raw food. With the help of raw food they have very strong muscle power without even a workout. If your diet is completely of raw food then you will have a very healthy and strong muscular build. You can get best muscles with help of raw foods like green leafy vegetables, organic fruits, sunflower seeds and nuts.

Cooked Food for Bodybuilding
It is believed that cooked food clogs the digestive system of body. Energy from other parts of the body is believed to be effected with intake of cooked food. It is not easy to adapt to raw food body building diet, one need to show strong will and determination. With the intake of cooked foods there will be temporary muscle inflation, such foods only blow the muscle mass. If you wish to get a good muscular physique then you should build a foundation with raw food diets rich in nutrients, proteins which are available in plenty in uncooked diet. With intake of fruits we feel that body has received sufficient supply of nutrients. Normal fruits are not very rich in nutrients, you must start eating bontanical fruit which is rich in nutrients and is generated from the seed of other fruits.

Bontanical foods are cucumber, squash, tomatoes, avocado and green peppers. A good protein and carbohydrate rich diet will ensure that you get best muscular physique. The most important thing to remember is that eating only energy rich diet won’t give best muscles; you need to work hard with intense exercises and rigorous workout routines. According to your body requirements you must take the best diet and follow an exercise regime which yields desired results. So all you need is a good diet plan along with perfect muscular build up routine in order to have desired physique.

2007-12-16 22:08:27 補充:
補充和強健肌肉的,以及蛋白質的食物,都可以叫--body building foods。
那就是:魚,蛋,雞蛋...等等,都可以為body building foods.
參考: from books

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