(勁急)有冇人幫我譯少少中文做英文?(萬分感謝) 10分

2007-12-13 6:07 am
現在讓我說說今次presentation的題目吧.我會迭一幅世界地圖海底給nemo的爸爸-marlin.因為一次nemo的任性,不幸被潛水員捉到fish jar去.marlin的個性非常心急,當他發現nemo被捉了後,連忙四處尋找nemo.可惜,marlin發現nemo身處色梨時,他顯得十分咀喪及無奈.如果當時他得到世界地圖後,清楚了解大海的地理位置,就會更樂觀了,同時也能避過水母,鯊魚等襲擊,令他更容易找到nemo.雖然在這麼困難的尋找過程中,marlin學會了堅強,更令他明白不要過份保護自己的兒子,也鞏固了與mary的友誼,但同時marlin差點就被水母的毒刺刺死,幸好得到海龜的協助才能脫險.與其受這些驚險,為何不用一個安全的方法呢?



回答 (2)

2007-12-13 9:29 am
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Let me introuduce the topic of my today presentation. I will give Nemo's father, Marlin, a submarine world map. Why? One day, as result of Nemo's naughtiness, he was caught to a fish jar by a diver. Marline’s characteristic was very nervous. While being conscious of that Nemo was caught, he looked for his son around immediately. Unfortunately, he found that Nemo had been bought to Sydney. Marlin felt very depressed. If Marlin had a submarine world map at that time, he would know the underwater topography and avoid the attack of jellyfishes and sharks so that he could get Nemo easily. Although there were plenty of difficulties during the adventure, it led Marlin to become strong, understand that it is not good for his son to protect him excessively and consolidate the friendship with Mary. Moreover, Marline could get a new friend of sea turtle which save him from the crisis. Why didn’t he choose a safe way?


今日 我presentation的題目是應該送一幅世界海底地圖給「海底奇兵」中的Nemo的爸爸Marlin.

故事講述︰一日,因為Nemo的任性, 他被潛水員用fish jar捉了。當Marline發現自己的兒子被捉後, 膽小的他立刻荒張地四處尋找 Nemo。結果,Marlin發現Nemo被人帶到很遠的悉尼去。他初時顯得十分沮喪及無奈,之後,他知道到他必須克服膽小的性格,冒著未知的危險前往悉尼,才能救回兒子,於是他在朋友Mary 陪伴下出發。路途上,他們曾被水母及鯊魚襲擊,幸好都安全度過。最後,Marlin終於成功救出Nemo。旅程不但拱固他和Mary之間的友情和令他認識了在危險中協助他的海龜新朋友,而且令他明白到過份保護兒子對兒子不是一件好事。

Today my presentation topic is, in the story of Finding Nemo, Marline, father of Nemo, should be given a submarine world map.

The story is that: One day, due to Nemo's naughtiness, he was caught to a fish jar by a diver. Timid Marline looked for his son around nervously on the moment he was conscious of losing his son. As a result, he found that Nemo had been bought to Sydney. Marlin felt very depressed at that time. After a while, he knew that he had to overcome his timidity to go to Sydney to save his son under unkown danger. With his friend Mary, he started the adventure. They could still continue the trip even thought they met the attack of jellyfishes and sharks. Eventually, Marline was successful to rescue Nemo. The adventure consolidated Marline’s friendship with Mary and led him to know a new friend of sea turtle. Moreover, Marline understood what he protected his son excessively was not good for his son.

If Marline had got a submarine world map, he would know the underwater topography and avoid the attack of jellyfishes and sharks so he could get Nemo quickly and safely.
2007-12-16 3:37 am
Let me now talk about the subject of this presentation it and I will again and again to a world map Harbor nemo father - marlin. A nemo because of willfulness, unfortunately divers caught fish jar to. Marlin personality very impatient when he nemo has found caught after quickly looking for nemo. Regrettably, marlin found nemo身处color pears, he becomes a very Tsui funerals and helpless. Had he been the world map, a clear understanding of the ocean's location, would be even more optimistic , but also to avoid jellyfish, sharks and other attacks, he found it easier nemo. although difficult to find in such a process, marlin learned how strong, but also he understands that not to protect his own son, but also consolidated and mary friendship, but at the same time marlin almost the Stinger was stabbed jellyfish, sea turtles Fortunately, the assistance can be out of danger. its by these dangerous, why not a safe method?

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