Secondly, we would start our classroom observation. I had set three aspects to observe, they are
students’ behaviors, learning motivation and 完成課堂練習的情況. To the students’ behaviors, 我們會觀察學生是否專心在當天的課題內容上,是否願意回答問題等;and to the learning motivation, 在分組活動時, 學生是否積極參與討論和投入程度(可能需要學生合作製作一個graphic organizer); to the students’task完成情況, 可以透過每組代表的堂上報告和那一節課的課後功課反映出來, 而課後功課可以每次抽樣10份.最後, we have a feedback discussion which ended with both agreeing to use the same observation focus in the next observation.