
2007-12-13 2:42 am
I like summer

Among spring , summer , autumn , winter . I like summer very much . There are some reasons .

In the summer , I can eat ice-cream , seafood and the cold food etc . They are so yummy in the summer . But we feel too cold if we eat these in the winter . And, we also go to beach playing the ball , doing sunbath

回答 (2)

2007-12-13 3:24 am
✔ 最佳答案

Among the four seasons, I like summer the best. 感應該會好D掛= ='

And we also can go to beach to play the ball(最好講埋咩波啦= =) , enjoying sunbath.

and swimming in the sea for made me cool . (sea應該改為beach, beach係沙灘, 我諗都冇咩理由係個海度游掛)

Although summer is the hottest season, I don' t think it is too bad, because sweating can help to liberate the harmful things in our body.

Though many people don’t like summer . But I don’t change my opinion.
(喱句又唔應該感講, 唔係好行得通= = 你感講姐係話, 雖然好多人都唔中意夏天, 但係我唔會改變我既意見) .. 我GET唔到你喱句想表達既意思, 所以唔知點改呀.. SORRY
參考: MYSELF,, 不過驚教壞你= =
2007-12-13 2:53 am

I can eat ice-cream , seafood and the cold food etc . 是

I can eat such as ice-cream , seafood and the cold food .

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